Saturday, January 13, 2007

Blooper of the year award goes to…..

Wake up India!!! If what you see in the media is anything to swear by, look at the impressive pontificating excuse of a “new year bonanza” courtesy of BSNL. Whilst the nation was waking up to a brand new refreshing year, the guys at BSNL had a sinister wish to propel all my country brethren to a very early “April-fools” day. Check this mind-boggling caricature of ridicule to test this nation’s emergence of well educated IT pros, like self.
Unless this picture was taken after a time-freeze and the rupee has undervalued the world currencies, I see no such thing happening any time in the next decade to boot, if anyone wishes to clarify and educate me that it can in fact be true, then, I shall kick myself to oblivion. 2Mbps for Rs.250!! – I wish that this was indeed true, more for the fact that it will wake up all the other service providers from the shadows and we all can bask in the glory of, all that ever so demanding bandwidth.

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