Monday, February 19, 2007

Parcel service !! The times have changed, Indeed!

I must say I'm impressed with UPS, yeah the courier company. I had always known that UPS and FedEx had a great tracking system on the web. This means that you can log on to the website, give your tracking code and immediately know where your parcel is. I had always wondered how these guys do it and this week I got the answer. My friend , Jayan had ordered some high-end speaker-cables from the states, this got delivered to another friend of mine , Mussu .now , the thing to be impressed is here in India , An UPS guy comes over to his house to deliver a package , which had been shipped from the US. He had an electronic pad, the size of a video cassette. It had a light sensor and the guy showed this light on the bar code stuck to the parcel. Voila ! That's it. Data updated.UPS says, this electronic pad will transmit this information to the UPS servers which in turn will update the status on the site. Maan, technology at its absolute best.

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