Sunday, August 12, 2007

Landmark Education - A tryst with mind-control

To begin with, I am not writing this very long article about Landmark Forum Education to tirade my complaints and the workings of the ‘for-profit’ organization but I was compelled to vent my ire and frustration after one of the “Landmark” employee, Mr., Rao, S.K contacted me over phone, from their Bangalore Office to strike me into some sort of submission with a raucous and boisterous attitude and to exterminate my peace of mind and ruin my working day.

Let me start by drawing your attention to certain words used so disparagingly by Mr. Rao, S.K (whether carefully chosen or recklessly let loose, you decide.), and I quote all what he had to say

 “I am a 20-80 % guy”, he meant I am 80% loser and that “I will not improve in life and I will remain a loser and an unsuccessful person and not withstanding calling me all sorts of names and negative branding my lifestyle and dishonoring my credibility and commitments. He further adds that he will have me kicked off if I even try to attend your courses and will have the registration money “thrown” at my face. (This is a paltry sum of 700 Rs for me) he then proceeds to judge my inabilities and cuts off the phone without warning.

I was, quite understandably, gravely distraught and took the effort of calling him  (Rao,S.K) back right away after confronting my friend and explaining the conversation I just had with the Landmark employee. This is where things started getting more interesting, I ask “ In what capacity you work for Landmark? “ and he claimed to be the man in charge of fresh-induction (registration manager , I think he said).So, I ask what gave him the authority to judge my commitment or lack of it and how he got around to call me a failure , a 80% loser and using inappropriate names and not exhibiting any effort to listen me out and he answers none of my question but goes  ahead to cut my calls after he labels me more names. I faced a similar if not a harrowing experience in their Chennai office which drew me to a conclusion that Landmark is more interested to get me registered than show any interest so mentioned otherwise in the introduction.

This now brings me to your introduction session.

The Forum Leader, on that day spent 4-5 hours on the introduction. All about how we could have a better life if only we completed the Forum and attended more Advanced Forum classes. It seemed very fishy that before any real information was revealed people were airing their personal dirty laundry. I suspect some were plants. They twisted the English language. Why not just use words that actually describe what you mean? Every time new jargon was introduced the leader took time to describe its meaning. They spend too much time teaching their new language and literally talking in circles. By the time I decided this seminar had absolutely no value, it was dinner time. I planned to leave, but felt the responsibility to inform one of the volunteers. This was a bad idea. I should have just left. He spent more than an hour trying to manipulate me into staying. I remained for the rest of that evening, which only strengthened my resolve to not come back. Landmark people still called me trying to get me to come back. (Hopefully you will give up, now)

Let me give you a brief on what happened that day and why I feel today that It  will have no help or bearing on my life anymore principally after my interaction with the likes of Mr. Rao,S.K and their Chennai office.


The evening began with the leader of the forum, a guy in his mid / late 30s, smooth talker, witty, friendly, coming on stage and sharing his first encounter with the forum. How he was totally skeptical about it, thinking it to be yet another marketing gimmick, how he thought of joining it only to get his friend off his back, and then ended up being the leader of the forum.  

He shared how his whole life has changed in those 3 days. He went on saying things like, what you get from the forum is beyond your perceptions. The forum works in the dark area of your mind which you don’t even know exist. It opens you up to things you don’t even know that you don’t know. Like you cannot write the theory of a cycle balance, like you can’t define how you walk or breathe, what you get from the forum and how it creates new possibilities for your life is also indefinable.  

Having said all that, he invited participants to come on stage and share their experiences. A lot of hands were raised but due to time constraint only 3or 4 of them could be called upon. 

To begin with, I saw the workbook had a total of 6 columns, (i) areas working out, (ii) areas not working out, (iii) area you are working on (I got stuck here only, so I’ll mention the rest 3 later, let me first tell you why I was stuck here) I wondered why isn’t there a 4th column asking ‘area you are NOT working on?’ Ok, that would be stupid to ask but the point is what if I am not working on any area at all. What if I think everything about my life is just perfect; there is nothing that I need to work on. Relationships with my family and sibling can’t be any better, I have a reasonably good job (though I have lost a few jobs down the road), can pay my bills, great friends circle. Yes I do feel low at times, I do fight with mom and dad but that’s being alive. Life is a roller coaster you don’t need to get ‘worked’ up with the ‘downs’ cause there would always be ‘ups’.  

So basically I had no where else to go from here. This place isn’t for me cause I am not working on anything at all. Still, I wanted to cooperate with the volunteer in the session.  So I picked love and romance as the area in my life which is not working out and I am trying to work. I should have picked sex actually but I didn’t want to shock his moral crap out. And it makes sense also, for some one who comes across as one of the most sought after personality, at his 30 and still single, it makes sense to choose this area. Truth however is, I am NOT working on this aspect. By default and by nature you cannot work on love and romance. Love happens you don’t work on it and more so I am still in the working stages of my love life and as of this week I am sitting much better with my love than any point in my life, anyways back to the session

The next 3 steps: 

So we have picked up the area the next questions or columns were (iv) probable almost certain future (v) What’s missing the presence of which would make a difference, and finally (vi) Inventing a new possibility.  

Your Probable Almost Certain Future:

At this step he asked, as you are working on an area, answer yourself 3 questions what are you doing, what are you having, who are you being.  I couldn’t find answers to these questions, I and I am sure many in the room didn’t even get the question. The volunteer related the questions to his experience, which helped.  

He said, he has a problem with his mother and how he had procrastinated on that relationship and so on and so forth

I tried to relate his story to my area. What am I doing? Making friends, going out drinking, smoking, calling bloggers meet and meeting many interesting people everyday chatting with some of them on Gtalk or MSN or Yahoo!, accepting them if they ask me out for a date. Although I rarely ask anybody out. Admittedly I have a fear of rejection.  So who am I being? I am being single. Not lonely but alone. Yes, I do have some bad evenings when I feel like crying, when I wish I had that some one special by my side. But they are just bad evenings and the next day I am fine. What am I having? A feeling that there aren’t many gals out their who would accept me the way I am. Finding my girl seems to be difficult and there is a possibility I would always be single.

Bingo there you go, your probable almost certain future which you have created for yourself by thinking the way you think.”  That’s what the volunteer would have told me if I would have told him what I was thinking. And I dare not even think what my friends would say if they heard that.

But I have a POV here. Yes I have created my own probable almost certain future, which, at times I am afraid, does become sad and lonely. And this is being created because I have been carrying things from the past. But is it really right to say just bury the past. I mean aren’t we all supposed to learn from our past. Don’t they say history repeats itself? So you better not do the same stupid things you did in the past. How can we completely ignore our past? 

Anyways I know you guys they can corner me on this. But I guess you will not be interested in me anymore after this mail. Roa,S.K might , but he already has given up on me, didn’t he say he will kick me off Landmark.

Ok, back to the next step I had at his intro session

What is missing the presence of which would make a difference?

Now this one was a real tricky one. Kinda like mathematical theorem or a linear equation. So, what is missing in your life? This time he came close to my seat and directly asked me that question. “I don’t know, I can’t figure out. See the area I chose was love and romance…so what is missing… well the area is not working out and I am single, so what is missing…A woman I guess?” I know it was funny but no body laughed at my answer. They were just too surprised to hear me speak.

“Ok, assume you had that special woman in your life. Assume you have a committed relationship? How would you feel then?”  He had already done this personalized bit with another guy so I knew where he was going.  

I was being naïve though. I said, “How would I know, how would I feel unless I have been through it. I have never been into a relationship before my current one and I honestly don’t know how it feels.  

He was not happy with the answer. He asked again, “how would your life be if you had that woman.”

“Life would be different for sure. I wouldn’t have to always call my friends for a drink. I would have one woman for all time to exercise all my rights on her. I would have some one to call at the end of the day to generally crib about what happened at work. [There would be a lot of sex happening (ok that I didn’t say)] so life would be a bit different from what it is now.”

“Yes, but how would you feel.”   

“I don’t know, may be I’ll feel good may be I’ll think what a pain is this relationship.  I just cannot understand how can I say how would I feel to have a relationship when I have never been into one.

You see Mam, I am part like an atheist, a non believer, I just do not believe that everything is great. I want a relationship in life, yes, but I am not certain it’s all going to be a bed of roses. I am sorry but I don’t understand.”  

“Hmm! Think about it. Keep thinking.” And he gave up.  

I got inattentive after this. It was 22:30 – 23:00 and I was hungry like a wolf. I had by now made up my mind, my life is too complicated to be fixed in 3 days.

 The last part was something about inventing a new possibility. We were to declare to ourselves what is our new possibility. Like he had declared “I would get my mom to participate in my life”

 I declared, “Some day I’d get it right. Some day some where I’ll find her. No issues if I don’t.”   

After this he told us to take out the registration form and started instructing us how to fill it.  “Write your full name, your age at the second column….”  

I immediately interrupted, I said, “Excuse me., I am a bit confused, was this session only for those who decided to join the forum? 

“No, its absolutely your choice. But allow us to help you take a decision.”  There were many more volunteers standing in the back of the room. The moment he said that, they all came close to each one of us, sat by our side. One of them came to me as well. I had kept my pen down by this time murmuring, “I decide to not join.”

So Mr. T came to me to help me take a decision. I told him I have already decided. He was very smiley and happy. He said he wasn’t there to insist but to revisit that question, what is missing? 

Let me tell you where was he trying to go, where did the earlier volunteer try to go and how is it like a linear equation.

How would you feel if you had that woman?” Assuming my answer to this question is, “I would feel happy, I would feel being taken care of, being loved, would feel important and would be content.”  

This implies ­­=> you are not happy, not being loved, not being take care of and ‘Hence Proved’ something about your life is not right and that is affecting your productivity in every aspect and therefore you need to work on this aspect and you do that by joining the Landmark Forum.  

I thanked Mr. T, thanked the volunteer, and told them the introduction session got me thinking a lot. LF has been helpful.  

Outside the hall, back on Bangalore road, I met my friend and told her I will surely join (more so to answer my curiosities and all those questions that were un-answered in the opening session).


To conclude let me give you an example,

"A friend of mine has been in Landmark a couple of months back and it is taking over her life. She only wants to think the Landmark ways and emulate the things that you thought her to believe. Now she has more time for Landmark and volunteering. She is usually broke, but somehow always seems to find money for more Landmark programs. She has just registered for on of your advanced courses now.

All her dialogue sounds like rehashed Landmark terminology. She talks about 'creating new possibilities,' 'breakthroughs' and living a 'life of authentic etc.etc. Of course she is always trying to get others to try out the Forum. Everything she talks about or does is about Landmark. I personally have nothing against anything that will help people empower there lives and make them better, but my friend's life is losing balance and she is becoming more and more dependent on Landmark in an unhealthy way."

Finally, I have to confess that I consider Landmark Education to have spent a lot of energy and money to prove that it does not fit the definition of a cult. The fact that you guys felt it was necessary to make such an effort should send red flags up! But what about an examination of how Landmark actually runs, its processes and principles? The function of a seminar leader should be to encourage critical thinking amongst participants. However, this is not apparent at Landmark seminars (as I learnt with my conversations with your Bangalore and Chennai offices) Instead, Landmark's programs seems to narrow the focus upon the leader, who assumes strict control (Like Mr. Rao who was the dominant conversationalist on the call), which clearly does not encourage free thought.

I feel overall that I was ridiculed, by Landmark, and I am happy that it’s yet to change my life or that it will ever help or assist my life in the future. I would urge that you guys at Landmark change and mend your ethics and behavior when you approach people over the phone or interacting with them any  other way, for you operate for a profit it is best you adopt that stand and not mislead people over empowering their life because you have not done any help towards me but in turn created an imbalance in my work schedule that day, not withstanding my peace of mind.


Following this very mail reaching their desk (I sent a similar email voicing what I feel about them and their cowardly acts to Landmark forum Employee), they did not bother replying rather my friend replies on their behalf , she now, is not in talking terms with me and has abruptly disconnected her friendship with me .


Now she had sent in some more references of people who had done the ‘week-end’ course by LM and how it had empowered and changed their lives. She goes on to send in more references and contact numbers of these people, which I felt was totally inappropriate since I was never answered to my complains or questions towards LM but she was more intent to get me registered to the forum course.


THREE – FOUR people (she sent reference) cannot make  her argument strong or my opinion WEAK…people rely more on their professional training and their business model and a whole scope of other training to get successful or famous or best in their profession , I cant see her argument see the light of day.


Take these simple examples.


LM forum/education was stated sometime in 1991, so from her inference there cannot be a better empowerment but how do you justify that they cannot advertise in the local newspaper , have not hosted or been in any workshops worldwide with an audience of more than a few thousand, how come they have pending cases within the jurisdiction of US and Europe, how come many families have put a joint litigation against them for creating stress and undue splits within the family (as a near example take my friend  and I, she was willing to curse, break my morale and call me a fool and cut me off as a friend in the name of LM values).


Coming to LM breakthrough potential, why cant they list it out to me rather than I go and secretively attend a dueling three days and god help others who cant learn super empowerment in THREE Days, No training or course or any assist in the world can be done in paltry THREE days, what took great scientist, doctors, engineers , artist, architect and other professionals more than a decade of learning cant ever be accelerated or enhanced by THREE Measly days of LM education.


She had quoted a few people, but I can cite the example of a Billion people who have nothing to so with LM OR its cult values BUT are super successful and happy and live life to the full extent.

Let’s take the top ten scientists of yesteryears, they know nothing of LM and the teaching methods but are very very instrumental in today’s evolution. You and I benefited a thousand times because of these people…


Johannes Kepler (1571-1630)

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727)

Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879)

Emil Fisher (1852-1919)

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Edwin Hubble (1889-1953)

Paul Dirac (1902-1984)


Now, you tell me they all had a lesser IQ< yes they were mocked and went through more humiliation but they are my leaders NOT Land Mark.


Why the top ten models in the world all having an IQ less than an average high-school student have been world class in their profession and successful, they did not need any cult education.


Gisele Bundchen: $33 million

Kate Moss: $9 million

Heidi Klum: $8 million

Adriana Lima: $6 million

Allessandra Ambrosio: $6 million

Carolyn Murphy: $5 million

Natalia Vodianova: $4.5 million

Karolina Kurkova: $3.5 million

Daria Werbowy: $3.5 million

Gemma Ward: $3 million



They greatest living entrepreneurs and business men in Europe have modest background and have started their working models without any cult such as LM… these men have an average or above average IQ and no relation with LM


01 Peter Brabeck


02 Marco Tronchetti Povera


04 Michael O’Leary


05 Emilio Botín


06 Jorma Ollila


07 Terry Leahy


08 Wendelin Wiedeking


09 Josef Ackermann


10 Arnaud Lagardère




Not to mention LM only supports and needs gullible people and will certainly not have an outspoken person such as me.

In case you do choose to attend their three-day course, One day you will realize that all LM can do is what your father, mother, friends, teachers and mentors have already told you but you were just not listening , LM does no breakthrough methods , they can at best stress only what we already know.


Stop wasting your time with them and spend more with your family, kids and friends and colleagues, they will value you better one day for this , not your time spent in LM.


IF people really have been empowered by LM’s teaching, why can’t they share it with me as a friend and I will learn from them, why should I join LM to learn??? Are they not my friend, so tell me?? Why be secretive and why really, cant they share what they did there that changed them so positively??



Landmark Education is a diluted form of a marketing for-profit company. It claims to be an educational organization, but there are major differences. There are no books or syllabi or exams. You only have to attend a weekend course to become a graduate, but don't expect to get academic recognition. The course is "taught" through high-powered sales techniques to groups of 100- 200 hundred by forum leaders. There are no tests or exams, but your progress can be tested by your ability to recruit others to the courses, which cost in the region of 6000 Rupee a time.


IF you think Landmark is wonderful and try to live up to the teaching of unlimited potential. I found it extremely manipulative and distasteful. They promise personal transformation and they sure deliver - they make you dependant on Landmark. If you really want enlightenment I'd recommend Dorothy Rowe's Guide to Life. It's much cheaper than a Landmark course and you don't have to submit to any form of shallow group therapy to find out who you are.


And I did learn something from this weekend. You have to trust your own judgment, even if it means going against everyone else.

I'm not saying LM Education is totally fraud. But what’s so secret about the course that they would not tell anyone though they are ready to enroll everyone??

  • And what is this miracle that will solve everything?
  • Will telling about it make it ineffective or what will happen if they tell in advance what they teach there?
  • Does LM allow Free will, or do they focus only on thought control?


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GuruTruth said...


I took some time to read your entire blog post here with great interest. Here below is some more background, historical information, as well as other online resources, both text as well as some links to audio/video resources, with more info on the organization.

I would love to hear your thoughts after checking out some of the resources and background, below:

Landmark Education is conducted in a Large Group Awareness Training setting, information about it and its "The Forum" course, previously known as "The Forum" under Werner Erhard and Associates, the "technology" of which was developed by Werner Erhard and utilized in his prior "EST Training" or "Erhard Seminars Training" - is available through the links below:

A documentary came out in France, Voyage to the Land of the New Gurus, which details some of the for-profit company's interesting practices. The film aired to 1.5 million people in France. One month after it aired, the company shut down in France. The company attempted to use the Digital Millenium Copyright Act in order to get this video off the internet. More about this at Landmark Education stumbles stupidly to hollow settlement, Landmark Education wants to make French news report a “forbidden video” on the Net and at Why did Landmark Education leave France? as well as at the Electronic Frontier Foundation's legal page, Landmark and the Internet Archive and in an article from Reuters which went into The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times, among many other papers, at Google faces legal challenges over video service.

Landmark Education has been labeled "sect" by the government of France, a "sect" by the government of Austria. They were investigated multiple times by the United States Federal Department of Labor - and an investigation in 2004 by the Federal Department of Labor in France led to Landmark Education shutting down their operations in all of France due to unpaid labor practices.

Landmark Education is currently a defendant in a wrongful death case in Oklahoma, and also a young man named James Brian Rowe went missing in Colorado directly after attending a Landmark Forum in 2004. His family has not heard from him since.

More information about the company's history itself, at The Rick Ross Institute, the Skepdic site, Cult News, Introduction to the Landmark Education litigation archive, Landmark Education litigation archive, Apologetics Index, and Cult Awareness and Information Centre. The book OUTRAGEOUS BETRAYAL by Steven Pressman is also a great resource. Chapter 4, A Door to Door Mind Salesman, and Chapter 7, Enlightenment in Two Weekends - The est Training are available online.

For more information about other Large Group Awareness Training organizations and their methodologies, visit:

The Truth about Human Potential Seminars

GuruTruth said...
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Eddie said...


Foremost I would like to thank you for the measure of research you have provided.
From your comment, first I realized I needed more time for introspection and considering the vast amounts of links/resource the second was to list out the core of the subject.

What LM wants to really achieve?
Do they have the vital trust factor?
The age old wisdom from learning against LM’s breakthrough methods of teaching to bring your repressed emotions out and make you larger than life
The after-effect?

Inspiration is hard to come by, so I take this as a damn good inspiration to seek far too gullible people to undergo some sort of breakthrough treatment but as with all forms of solution or treatment there must be a pre and post process.
Which brings me to the essential workings of LM and why it looks tainted in my eyes. The prerequisite study is not-existent! Anyone who is willing enough to part with their hard earned money is reason enough to attend their ‘week-end” course.
Then, they are hurried through three days of intense exercise without any predetermined curriculum and do not give any tangible assurance.

The post training is only to stress the participants to get more people involved with LM and register them and yourself in more advanced courses.

What kind of result does this bring for anyone? I guess nothing more than LME (Landmark Education) laughing all the way to the bank.

United States Federal Department of Labor – an interesting fact file and I wonder is this also applicable in countries like India? The reason I ask is that LME seems to encourage their earlier ‘participants’ to involve themselves in recruiting more people to the LM sessions. Some sort of coercion is apparent since these people who volunteer generally persuade their close friends or family (who are susceptible based on trust gained due to their close relationship) and I believe LME deliberately want to do this sort of enrollment to increase their revenue figures. In fact the day of my introduction session I noticed more than half of the people in the hall were wearing “volunteer” badges and constantly reminding to enroll.

Consider This “Roth subjects one woman to “public humiliation” before hundreds of participants and calls her an “asshole.” After being berated by the Landmark leader for about an hour she breaks down in tears while he insults and mocks her.”
Look at the indignity of this poor woman, she has just narrated her problem and is, at best, reaching out for compassion but the forum-leader chooses to rebuke and analyze her and delivers some sort of wacky analogy.
Now, I may be wrong but conceivably there is substance in Roth’s analysis but where in the world did it dictate that it can’t be presented in a more placid way??

The entire ‘course’ is one back-breaking task. The LE is a three days course that starts around 09:00 (on a relaxing weekend) and continues well past midnight with couple of snack times. The idea is absurd, especially when the end results are nothing more than some eye-opening sessions which you already knew but did not wake up to realize it.

Of course you are made to sign off mandatory declaration that I am a sound, perfectly healthy and an average individual with a perfect mental stability and is not susceptible to stress and other mind control process and that I am not being treated currently for any mind-disorder and also that I will take all the credit if things do go wrong and more importantly will not sue or hold LM Education culpable if any unfortunate outcome comes about in my life.

Why did Landmark Education leave France?
– I think this was a good question, why? I for one of am the opinion that if you believe in something, stand up for it not leave with your tail tucked under.

“The est of Friends” By Traci Hukill , makes interesting reading and the mention of a "A miracle is going to take place here” had me up in laughs at the outrageous claim.
“And still, for a day, I got the result. I got the euphoria the day after The Forum. And then it dissipated. That's what happens--that's why people keep signing up, to keep that feeling fresh.”
Yes, the result of the forum lasts for a day and it is this euphoria that is sending people in hoards to the LME registration desk. As I had witnessed on the introduction-session, convincingly placed ‘plants’ within the audience narrate the awesome result of the forum combined with some really strong forum-leaders persuasive methods.

This brings me to the questions posed earlier
• And what is this miracle that will solve everything?
• Will telling about it make it ineffective or what will happen if they tell in advance what they teach there?
• Does LM allow Free will, or do they focus only on thought control?
• What LM wants to really achieve?
• Do they have the vital trust factor?
• The age old wisdom from learning against LM’s breakthrough methods of teaching to bring your repressed emotions out and make you larger than life
• The after-effect?

This entire episode aside, the most perturbing after-effect of this was I lost my best friend that by itself is very convincing since she and I go back more than 15 years of friendship.

I am yet to watch the “France 3 documentary: "Voyage to the Land of the New Gurus" VIDEO but I can bet it will be fascinating to watch.

The Rick Ross Institute is a remarkably comprehensive repository for all the facts and history of LME. I guess there will be more to write shortly after running through the site.

GuruTruth said...

The video you mention is indeed most enlightening, and the resources made available at The Rick Ross Institute, particularly the Public Domain documents of the United States government, and public court documents, are also very interesting.

Great to see that you are so into reading through some of the resources and research, and please do keep us posted once you have delved into some of the audio / video media, as well as the text-based resources, and subsequently what you think of that.

Your written thoughts about this and your approach is most interesting.

I wonder what the Federal Government and associated agencies in India (example their Department of Labor or Investigations) would think of the prior investigations into potential Labor Violations Practices in both the United States and by the government of France ???

Anonymous said...

Dude why waste your time with these groups. Going through your blog it clearly seems that you have a pretty good personality already and its quite a surprise that you need to go to these kind of dubba roadshows. What is missing I gauge is a woman in your life which you yourself have admitted in your blog. Going to these sessions or groups or going out is not going to help at all but only exacerbate the situation.
Take the traditional route ask your parents to find a girl for you or through a marraige broker. Dont go for complicated girls. Just go for a simple girl who will be the one to take care of you. If possible not from a city but from a semi-urban place who will not be spoilt by TV and raised on simple values. She will look after you and I think you will look after her better than she really will (based on your personality). Its better to grow with the girl and raise her to your level than to expect to find one at your own level or to God forbid try to bring down someone to your level.
Once you have a kid then you can truly show LME your middle finger.
Best of luck in life pal. Dont waste your time. Go ahead and just do it.

Ravi said...

Thank you ! Your post is very informative. I was debating about taking this course, but you have clearly explained their 'racket' ! :-)