Friday, November 30, 2007

How to Safely Shop on the Internet

The advantages of shopping online during the Holiday season are numerous. You have a world of products at your fingertips and you don't have to deal with parking hassles, mall crowds, and long lines.

Unfortunately, despite all its benefits, there is one potential major drawback about buying items on the Internet. According to the Federal Trade Commission, in 2005, an estimated $300+ million was lost to online schemes. Smart cyber-shoppers should research any web site that they want to transact with before buying something.

Also, you should look for the HACKER SAFE(R) icon on the e-store's home page. HACKER SAFE technology protects over 75,000 web sites. Seeing the HACKER SAFE icon provides shoppers with the confidence of the most trusted e-commerce security seal in the world.

To be a smart online shopper this holiday season, you need to adhere to a few basic dos and don'ts when purchasing from web sites to avoid becoming a victim of cyber-crime.

In addition to the above, consider the following:


  • Do pay by credit card. You can dispute purchases made after reporting you credit-card number has been stolen or used without your knowledge. Do use a secure web site*.
  • Do keep copies of the sales transactions for future reference in case a dispute arises.
  • Do check your credit-card statements to make sure you were charged the proper amount and that no "extras" were added.
  • Do check the site's privacy policy before you order.
  • Do purchase comprehensive computer security software like

* Secure sites have a key or closed lock displayed in the web browser. Of course, you should also look for the HACKER SAFE icon. Another way to confirm a site is secure, check if the web address (URL) on the page begins with "https" instead of just "http." Please note, these efforts can be spoofed by cyber criminals.


  • Don't send cash. Pay by credit card because you're protected.
  • Don't send any financial information via email. It is not a safe method for communicating this sensitive information (credit-card or Social Security numbers).
  • Don't forget to read the return policy and other terms of the deal before ordering.
  • Don't buy from a site you don't feel absolutely comfortable with. If you sense something is just not right about the company you are ordering from, then don't make a deal.
  • Don't forget to inspect your new product as soon as it arrives. Notify the seller as soon as possible if there is

How savvy an online shopper are you? Take the McAfee Online Shopping quiz and get more tips about online and computer safety.

Free Consumer Education - Participate in McAfee's "Shopping Online: How to Minimize Your Risk" webinar.

Click here for details:

(Source: McAfee)

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