Sunday, December 23, 2007

Social Networks for Architects and designers

Are you a designer or an architect and have been waiting for a portal or community, of like minded people, to collaborate and find products and ideas, well, A social network site called Designerpages is there just for this.

Designer Pages allows one to manage products online and collaborate easily with other designers and architects in their own workspace. This site is more than a trade directory; it’s a live community of people working together.

This common platform of like minded people means professionals can spend less time 'googling' and more time improving their products and inventing possibilities.The true positive from this is that up-to-date specifications are available as all products are posted by suppliers themselves

While this network is really for B2B , its useful for people looking for design ideas and for home improvement projects as well as remodeling your workspace.

Similar pages for Home Designs and remodeling projects...

~ MyDesignIn ~ homeportfolio ~ Builderonline ~ DoItYourself ~

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