Thursday, August 16, 2007

Why does ' Symantec online security check' NOT work with Firefox?

Symantec online security - check link above was listed as one of my favorite links to have in your bookmarks but recently when I tried to check my computers vulnerability for virus I realized that it just won’t work with my ‘Firefox’ browser and I reluctantly had to revert back to IE.

I can’t say if you guys ever felt like doing an online check and some may ask what the prudence of this online security check is when you have an anti-virus running in your computer and especially if it is up-to-date.

Ok, I can’t really answer that question without citing some of the quirky things that happened to my PC, have you lost your antivirus or feel it just got disabled? Does it refuse at times to update even when you manually run the update-tool? Has the little A/V icon in your system-tray look grayed-out and/or with an exclamation mark? Has your firewall just ‘locked-down’ all your internet traffic?

Well, all this has happened to me sometime or the other and has left me wondering if I am exposed and if my PC is dead. Now, these are times when you can use this wonderful tool to really find if you are indeed infected, though the online-tool does not remove or clean it is very useful in terms of assuring you that all is fine.

Well, all said it seems that this great tool does not work with Firefox and it seems Symantec will not care a great deal too and wants everyone to rely on IE.

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